Draw a Class Diagram
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<img src="http://yuml.me/diagram/scruffy/class/<b>[Customer]+1->*[Order], [Order]++1-items >*[LineItem], [Order]-0..1>[PaymentMethod]</b>" />
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into your URL:
Share in your emails or documents. Simply drag the diagram above into your Google Mail or Outlook messages, or a Word, Excel, Pages or Powerpoint document.
Grab yourself a PDF version of the diagram, neat huh.
Syntax Overview
Class | [Customer] |
Directional | [Customer]->[Order] |
Bidirectional | [Customer]<->[Order] |
Aggregation | [Customer]+-[Order] or [Customer]<>-[Order] |
Composition | [Customer]++-[Order] |
Inheritance | [Customer]^[Cool Customer], [Customer]^[Uncool Customer] |
Dependencies | [Customer]uses-.->[PaymentStrategy] |
Cardinality | [Customer]<1-1..2>[Address] |
Labels | [Person]customer-billingAddress[Address] |
Notes | [Person]-[Address],[Address]-[note: Value Object] |
Full Class | [Customer|Forename;Surname;Email|Save()] |
Splash of Colour | [Customer{bg:orange}]<>1->*[Order{bg:green}] |
Diagram Control
Scaling to 75% size | https://yuml.me/diagram/scale:75/class/[Customer]+->[Order] |
Scruffy with scaling to 125% size | https://yuml.me/diagram/scruffy;scale:125/class/[Customer]+->[Order] |
Direction: Force Left-Right | https://yuml.me/diagram/dir:lr/class/[Customer]+->[Order] |
Direction: Force Top-Down | https://yuml.me/diagram/dir:td/class/[Customer]+->[Order] |
Jpeg Images: Get Jpeg images rather than PNG | https://yuml.me/diagram/class/[Customer]+->[Order].jpg |
PDF: Get PDF files rather than PNG images | https://yuml.me/diagram/class/[Customer]+->[Order].pdf |